Faith In Action
Christian life involves continuously learning about the great Mystery of God - never thinking that we have God figured out and neatly boxed into our dogmas and doctrines. God and His love is bigger than our human capacity to understand. So we must be constantly open to the unfolding revelation of God's love in our lives. At Christ Community Church we strive to be life long Christian learners - and through our sermons and our educational programs we try to be open to the Spirit of God the constantly calls us beyond our comfort Zone into His amazing, mysterious Light. Christian Life involves addressing the needs of our world and of our brothers and sisters - not as do-gooders would do so, but as a family would help its own. For us, the world is full of our brothers and sisters - because God is the father of all! When our brothers are sick, we pray for their health and healing, when they are in need, we try, as is within our power, to help. When a sister or brother is in bondage, we offer the only path to freedom. We do this because it has been done for us - by our Savior who gave his all for us on the cross. We could never deserved that love, nor could we ever save ourselves. All is gift, all is grace.
And since we have received do great a gift, how can we not, ourselves, be generous.
Christian life involves spiritual growth - deepening not only in our knowledge of God but in our relationship with God. We do this through prayer, through worship, and through spiritual practices that Christians have used for thousands of years to draw close to the God who first drew close to us.
Finally, Christian life requires fellowship. We NEED each other - for friendship, for counsel, for prayer, for encouragement. We need each other because Jesus told us to love one another as He loved us - and in so doing have His own joy.

Operation Christmas Child



Children's Ministry
Not every child has a Merry Christmas, but more will when we join the efforts of operation Christmas child. This interdenominational ministry allows church members to assemble and send shoe boxes filled with Christmas presents to children in the third world. C.C.C. Pompano proudly participates every Christmas season. If you would like to fill and send, please contact the office.
“…He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that, their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘were not our hearts burning within us…” Luke 24:30-31
We have communion weekly at the 8:30am service and also once a month at the 10:00am service.
Between our 2 Sunday services, there is a time for coffee, refreshments and fellowship. We have various dinners and holiday parties and we try to meet for lunch every week as a group. We strive to be a community of friends as well as believers. We hope the world will say of us, as it did the early church: “See how these Christians love one another.”
During our worship service, children in fifth grade and younger participate in a children's message, then go and worship together in our Children's Church. We also have VBS yearly as well as Easter activities and seasonal festivals. Questions? Email our children's director Jessica

Ladies Faith Circle

Homeless Outreach
On the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 11:30 a.m., join some of the woman of the church for lunch, some great conversation, and a discussion of a biblical topic of interest (currently the ladies are discussing the Psalms). All interested women are welcome. We also have a women's Bible study in the works. Please call the church for details.
On Saturdays, beginning at 8:00 a.m., the Church, in partnership with Hope South Florida and Calvary Chapel Plantation, hosts a worship service followed by a meal for our brothers and sisters who are hungry. One of their hungers is for food, but a greater hunger is for love, acceptance, understanding, and hope. If you would like to volunteer to help with the meal, please come to the church between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m.

In baptism God promises by grace alone to forgive our sins;
to adopt us into the Body of Christ, the church; to send the Holy Spirit daily to renew and cleanse us; and to resurrect us to eternal life.
Through baptism Christ calls us to new obedience,
to love and trust God completely;
to forsake the evil of the world;
and to live a new and holy life.

Marriage is more than a wedding service – it is a lifelong journey of love and faith. A couple decides to marry when two people realize that their lives have become so united that the very center of their identity has shifted – they are more themselves TOGETHER than they were apart. They are most themselves where they are no longer only themselves; they face the world as a unit; the two have become one in love.

Bible Study
Every Wednesday night at
7:00 pm we delve into God's Word together.

Christian Death and Dying
Death is both a sad and a sacred moment. It is the final and greatest challenge of every person’s life, the ultimate “letting go” of all that we cling to and everything that we are. Each dying Christian IS Christ, again letting go of everything that he calls his own; again finding the divine center, again entering the Kingdom of the Father.